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A Happier, Healthier You

Prenatal Massage

Prenatal Osteopathy

Pregnancy massage and prenatal Osteopathy

With so many physical and hormonal changes occurring in your body throughout the pre and post-natal period it is not unusual to experience pain at some point. Indeed it is so common to be in pain during pregnancy that it can be accepted as normal. This should not need to be the case!


The mechanical stresses experienced by your changing body can result in painful conditions, commonly low back pain, sciatic pain, pelvic pain and SPD (Symphysis pubis dysfunction) but injury can occur anywhere in the body. While after the birth it is more common to suffer upper back and neck pain resulting from breast feeding and carrying your little one around. 

Therapeutic massage is used to promote the feeling of overall wellbeing that is especially important during pregnancy. Pregnancy massage is a gentle soft tissue technique carried out with the patient in a comfortable side lying position avoiding putting stress on the abdomen and uterine ligaments. It aims to reduce aches, pains, muscle tension, swelling and anxiety, while enhancing circulation, improving sleep and promoting health. 

Our pregnancy massage therapists are trained to work with pregnant women and are certified in prenatal massage. 


Precautions for prenatal massage.


We do not treat in the 1sr trimester or week 16 because of the increased risk for miscarriage during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you have a high risk pregnancy, pre-eclamsia, pregnancy induced hypertension, previous pre-term labour, then speak to your healthcare provider before booking an appointment.

Osteopathy is a gentle safe, non-invasive manual therapy that using hands on techniques to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions which occur both pre and postnatally.  


Our Osteopaths are fully qualified and have undertaken specific post-graduate courses in treating prenatal mothers.

If you would like to know more about how osteopathy or pregnancy Massage  can help during and after pregnancy then please call us on 07939582809 or email

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